Friday, October 29, 2010

History of Sport: Ancient to Modern Sports

         After learning about historical moment that sports had went through, it was interesting for me how the origin of sport is different from the modern sport. Do you see the difference between these two pictures above? The nature of the sports has been changing for centuries. The original sport began by honoring gods with ritualistic of nature, and then it was used as survival skills, and then the birth of modern sports started with the industrial revolution in Britain. In modern sport, people began to organize and regulate the game which sport participants could actually find their job as professional athletes. Eventually, the sport became a business and it is now one of the biggest industries in the world. 

          I tried to come up with a good definition of sport, which one of the definitions that I found from the textbook says “sport is regarded as a physical expression of the norms and values of that particular society in that period of time.” I think this definition of sport clearly gives us an explanation of the changing nature of sport. To give an example, sport existed throughout primitive cultures to maintain the survival skills of hunting, wrestling and running. Moreover, sport also existed during Victorian era in UK for preparation for officers in war and development of proper characteristics.