Sunday, November 14, 2010

Obesity as Cancer rather than Epidemic

       In the last few decades, people became more sedentary and dependent on fast foods. The author of the “Perfect Storm” Baker Harrell describes the problem of obesity as cancer rather than epidemic, which he is emphasizing that this problem is much more severe than what we are assuming. I was surprised about the increase in percentage of obese people compared to past years, which the amount was 5% in 1970 but it has almost tripled to 15% in 2002. If the problem is not considered seriously, we won’t be able to cure this wide spreading disease.

      In my opinion, the social environment plays important role to improve the problem of obesity. For example, schools can help to reduce the chance of children being obese. School can increase the amount of time for recess and PE classes in order to let more students participate in physical activity. School can also control the food offered to students by reducing the amount of fast food section and vending machine. Moreover, most families consider perceived safety of a neighborhood, because it influences parents allowing children to active outdoors. Therefore, providing safe environment in the area where children usually spend time could be another method to allow more physical activity for teenagers.

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