Friday, November 5, 2010

Ideal Image of Women?

       During the class, Dr. Todd presented us different pictures of women including image of bodybuilder, soccer player, tennis player and super model. The students’ votes for the most attractive women among those images were quite common. Most students stated that body of super model was the most ideal one, and many students responded that female bodybuilder was far from ideal image. In my opinion, this respond showed similar results because there are some kinds of standard of femininity. 
        We can relate this issue to the changing standards of women’s beauty. Recently I read an article, which I talked about beauty of women that changes through different cultures and ages. In ancient Chinese culture, thin and fragile women were known as beautiful woman. However, the standard of ideal women changed to someone busty and healthy-looking. In Japan, the definition of beauty of women also changed throughout the periods. Women with long faces, thin eyes and large chins were considered beautiful during ancient times. However, women who were buxom later became more attractive. This shows us that there can be different standards of women’s beauty or femininity according to the social trends of the time. Then, does that telling us in someday our society will consider huge and muscular women as the ideal standard of femininity? Who knows? 

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