Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Major in Football, Basketball or Baseball?

               The common issue about the ethics of the college sport is that whether university should consider athletic programs as central part of the educational mission. We all know that students can major in art, music or even dance, but why shouldn’t Universities allow athletes major in the sports whatever they are participating? Just like music students, those student athletes have same talents and put same effort to become successful in the field of sport.
                I think the reason student athletes have very low graduation success rate is that they are not benefiting from their hard work participating in athletic program. If the schools offer credit for being successful in their specialties, I guess more student athletes will be able to earn the bachelor degree. I’m not saying that university should allow collegiate athletes to graduate just by participating in sport; it is reasonable to provide just a small number of credits. Intercollegiate athletics show positive values, including striving for excellence, resilience, hard work and sportsmanship; therefore, universities should balance the approach of education by considering both cognitive and physical capacity.

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