Saturday, November 20, 2010

Violence in Sport

                 After reading the article “Offensive Play” and watching videos showing football players’ hits, I realized the severity of this problem of violence in sports. Many of the former football players ruined their future life suffering from chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) and brain damage. In addition, those players had much higher rate getting dementia and Alzheimer disease. It has been scientifically proven that repetitive concussive traumas during the football game are detrimental to players’ brain, which hitting their head in full speed can cause similar damage to having a car accidents. 

                Considering this dangerous aspect of sports, we were debating whether we can solve this serious problem. In my opinion, sports association could establish some new rules that can reduce the number of injuries or concussion. For example, the victory of the game can be partially determined by the number of fouls committed. If two NFL football teams have scored the same number, the winner can be the team with less fouls committed. I know this would not directly reduce the number of hits between players during the game but the players would become more alert to not to commit illegal tackle. However, we should also understand that there is always a chance to get injured in any sports; professional sports players recognize this risks and it is their responsibility to overcome the difficulty.

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